Ross Burke

Associate Director


  • Cell & Gene Therapy
  • CRO
  • CDMO


Ross is head of Metric’s Florida office in the city of Fort Lauderdale. As well as this he is a Global Executive Recruiter within the Biopharmaceutical market, specializing in Cell & Gene Therapy.

Our global partners

Recent Placements

  • $400k+

    Chief Quality Assurance, Cell & Gene Therapy, PA USA

  • $400k+

    Chief Manufacturing Officer, Cell & Gene Therapy, PA USA

  • $400k+

    Chief Analytical Science & Tech, Cell & Gene Therapy

  • $300k

    Senior Director QC, Cell & Gene Therapy, PA USA

  • $250k

    Senior Director Bioinformatics, Cell & Gene Therapy, MA USA

  • $200k

    Director Downstream PD, Cell & Gene Therapy, PA USA

  • $400k

    Senior Pathologist, CRO, MA USA

  • $250k

    Head of Engineering, CDNMO, CA USA

  • $200k

    Director Nonclincial Studies, Cell & Gene Therapy, PA USA

  • $240k

    IT Site Lead, CDMO, SC UA

Our Testimonials


Joe Jani
John-Joe Walker
Lauren Pope
Sam McElroy
James Barraclough
James Howsam
Alex Alves-Khan
Caitlin James
Billy Williams
Caroline Graves